
Difficulty: B1, intermediate

In the writing section of the Preliminary English test there are two parts. In part 1 you have to write an email based on some notes.

Read this email from your English speaking friend Pat and the notes you have made.
Write your email to Pat using all the notes.

PET Writing part 1 (email 2)

From:  Pat

Subject:  My visit


I’m really looking forward to visiting you next weekend. I haven’t seen you for ages! Me too!

I'm thinking about what I should pack for my visit. Will we do anything outdoors, like hiking? If so, I will bring my raincoat and walking boots. No because...

Is there anything else I should bring with me? Bring ... because

Also, I want to buy a gift for your parents to thank them for letting me stay. What do you think they would like? Suggest

See you soon!


